PMI Completes Another Creative Multifamily Apartment In East Hollywood

PMI completes creative multifamily apartment at 1006 N New Hampshire Avenue in East Hollywood

We are pleased to announce our completion of the renovation of a four unit apartment complex, located in Northeast Los Angeles. The property is located less than a mile from Silver Lake’s Sunset Junction in East Hollywood, close to Los Angeles City College.  The property pushes the boundary of Silver Lake’s gentrification into East Hollywood and offers more affordable rents than prime Silver lake.   1006 New Hampshire illustrates PMI’s Creative Multifamily Strategy. The property is conveniently located just east of Hollywood and just west of supremely hip Silver Lake, and provides easy access to gourmet dining, bars, upscale shopping, and much more!

Creative Multifamily is a new line of small, low-rise apartments that are stylish, contemporary, and playful, yet still affordable. The complex retains the flavor of its era, but incorporates a totally redesigned interior. Residents at properties like this are typically young and well-educated, and appreciate being located within walking distance of several diverse cultural amenities




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Cities Are Focusing on Alternatives Versus Upping Parking Requirements

My zoning consultant told me that the discussions today within city planning agencies have turned from increasing parking requirements to preparing for the advent of transit (like the  new Expo line extension), the extended use of ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft, and eventually the use of self driving cars.  Planner now see less need for parking spaces and are no longer responsive to communities looking for an increase in parking spaces.  Indeed, Santa Monica and San Francisco have gone the opposite way and have instituted parking maximums in some areas with access to  transit.

PMI Completes Another Creative Multifamily Apartment in Echo Park

PMI completes another creative multifamily apartment at 1325 Sutherland Street in Echo Park

We are pleased to announce our completion of the renovation of an eight unit apartment building, located in Northeast Los Angeles. The neighborhood is located in Echo Park, and is known for its hipster atmosphere and an up-and-coming destination for millennials. 1325 Sutherland illustrates PMI’s Creative Multifamily Strategy. In 2013, “The Yelp Guide to Hip” named Echo Park as the hippest place in Los Angeles. The property is conveniently located just steps away from Sunset Blvd and provides easy access to upscale shopping, gourmet dining, bars, specialty food stores and much more!

Creative Multifamily is a new line of small, low-rise apartments that are stylish, contemporary, and playful, yet still affordable. Residents at properties like this are typically young and well-educated, and appreciate being located within walking distance of several diverse cultural amenities.




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