Map: The hottest spots in the U.S. for startup tech jobs – GeekWire–Los Angeles Continues to Lag.


This article below from last year shows Los Angeles as low as number 10 as a hotspot for tech start-ups.  This contrasts with the dot com boom where Los Angeles was a solid four.  A lot depends on how one slices and dices data.  When you look at Los Angeles Orange County as a region, it ranks number 3 to 5 in venture funding ( depending on the quarter) according to Money Tree Price Waterhouse.  However, the rank falls percipitiously when you look at just  software venture funding as this area is driving the urban tech boom.  A recent article by Richard Florida put Los Angeles.  An article by Richard Florida, published in the Atlantic Cities (June 13, 2013), America’s Leading Metros for Venture Capital, shows the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area as number 5.

Map: The hottest spots in the U.S. for start-up tech jobs – GeekWire.

Conference in L.A. reflects city’s rise as ad industry hub –

Advertising drives a lot of creative office demand.  From the production of commercials to digital firms like Westside has many firms related to the advertising agency.  The Westside creative office directly benefits when this industry grows.  The articles discusses the growth of LA rise as an advertising industry hub.  The Los Angeles growth arises from its  proximity to multiple marketing platform including television, movies, gaming, as well as the convergence of entertainment and technology thru new distribution channels like You Tube, Hulu, and Netflix.

Conference in L.A. reflects city’s rise as ad industry hub –

San Francisco Becomes Number One in Venture Capital as Tech Firms Move into the City

venture capital deals

Richard Florida in this article argues that tech companies are moving back into the City.  His statistics shows the San Francisco-Oakland metropolitan surpassing the Silicon Valley as the number one location for venture capital investment in 2012

America’s Leading Metros for Venture Capital – Richard Florida – The Atlantic Cities.